Contact and Business Hours
The Dance Company Conservatory, Inc.
1545 Michigan Rd. Port Huron, MI 48060
Office Phone: (810) 364-3122
Office Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @porthurondanceco
Hours of Operation:
Monday – 5:00PM – 8:30PM
Tuesday – 5:00PM – 8:30PM
Wednesday – 5:00PM – 9:00PM
Thursday – 5:00PM – 8:30PM
Friday – 5:00PM – 7:00PM
Closed Saturday and Sunday
1545 Michigan Rd. Port Huron, MI 48060
Office Phone: (810) 364-3122
Office Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @porthurondanceco
Hours of Operation:
Monday – 5:00PM – 8:30PM
Tuesday – 5:00PM – 8:30PM
Wednesday – 5:00PM – 9:00PM
Thursday – 5:00PM – 8:30PM
Friday – 5:00PM – 7:00PM
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Parents can register their children for classes and manage their account online by visiting our website and heading to “Dance Studio Pro.” Register online through September 25. There is a one-time registration fee of $10 per student.
Late Registration: After September 25, parents must register their children for class in person at the front desk. Returning students are subject to a $20 late registration fee.
Class Placement: Students must be enrolled in Dance Studio Pro before attending a class. We will not allow drop-ins. Teachers will suggest an alternative if they feel the student does not suit the class. We reserve the right to place students based on their age, ability and dance experience.
Classes with less than 5 students may be combined into other classes, unless the parents and students agree to continue as a closed semi-private class.
Drop Class: If you wish to drop a class, please send us an e-mail. Missed classes are non-refundable.
Late Registration: After September 25, parents must register their children for class in person at the front desk. Returning students are subject to a $20 late registration fee.
Class Placement: Students must be enrolled in Dance Studio Pro before attending a class. We will not allow drop-ins. Teachers will suggest an alternative if they feel the student does not suit the class. We reserve the right to place students based on their age, ability and dance experience.
Classes with less than 5 students may be combined into other classes, unless the parents and students agree to continue as a closed semi-private class.
Drop Class: If you wish to drop a class, please send us an e-mail. Missed classes are non-refundable.
Tuition and Bill Payment
Billing: Tuition will be billed in 2-50% charges. The first half is due by December 31. The remainder is due by May 17. Parents are encouraged to create their own payment schedule that works best for them.
Discount: Accounts in good standing on January 1 will receive 10% off their second tuition charge. If you would like to pay your entire tuition before January 1, take 5% off your full tuition.
Late Fee: A late fee (5% of the outstanding balance) will be posted on January 1 and May 18.
Payment: For your convenience, you can now pay your tuition online with a credit card via Stripe in your “Dance Studio Pro parent portal. Cash and check payments can also be mailed in or dropped off during regular business hours. Returned checks are subject to a $35 fee.
Class Eligibility: Accounts with an outstanding balance from last year are not eligible to enroll in competition classes, solos, duets or trios. If you have an outstanding balance, you are welcome to contact Laurie and Jessica about opportunities to work off debt.
Delinquent accounts may be sent to collections if repayment plans are not made and followed.
Discount: Accounts in good standing on January 1 will receive 10% off their second tuition charge. If you would like to pay your entire tuition before January 1, take 5% off your full tuition.
Late Fee: A late fee (5% of the outstanding balance) will be posted on January 1 and May 18.
Payment: For your convenience, you can now pay your tuition online with a credit card via Stripe in your “Dance Studio Pro parent portal. Cash and check payments can also be mailed in or dropped off during regular business hours. Returned checks are subject to a $35 fee.
Class Eligibility: Accounts with an outstanding balance from last year are not eligible to enroll in competition classes, solos, duets or trios. If you have an outstanding balance, you are welcome to contact Laurie and Jessica about opportunities to work off debt.
Delinquent accounts may be sent to collections if repayment plans are not made and followed.
Classes: Costume fees are NOT included in tuition. Costumes will be charged to your account as they are ordered.
Solo/Duo/Trio: Costume fees are NOT included in Solo/Duo/Trio tuition. If you are interested in ordering a costume from one of our catalogs, we will charge to your account the costume cost as well as any related taxes, shipping or return fees.
Alterations: Although we try our best to keep our young dancer’s growing bodies in mind, please understand that all costumes are ordered from catalogs and may need some alterations upon arrival. It is the parent’s responsibility that the costume is ready by dress rehearsal. See the front desk to inquire about alteration needs for a small fee.
Solo/Duo/Trio: Costume fees are NOT included in Solo/Duo/Trio tuition. If you are interested in ordering a costume from one of our catalogs, we will charge to your account the costume cost as well as any related taxes, shipping or return fees.
Alterations: Although we try our best to keep our young dancer’s growing bodies in mind, please understand that all costumes are ordered from catalogs and may need some alterations upon arrival. It is the parent’s responsibility that the costume is ready by dress rehearsal. See the front desk to inquire about alteration needs for a small fee.
2020-2021 Safety Procedures
- We expect parents to vigilant regarding symptoms of illness and have continued commitment to monitoring health. A doctor recommends you should stay home if you have a temperature of 100.4 or if you have been exposed to any illness.
- We reserve the right to temperature check anyone entering the building or participating in any studio event. You must understand that with asymptomatic cases, this may give a false sense of security.
- Mask use is required in the hallway. Underlying medical issues are not always visible, so it is important to respect other people’s boundaries. You should NOT assume that a person not wearing a mask is unconcerned about exposure. At all times possible in the hallway, please maintain 6 foot of distance from others and do NOT have face-to-face contact.
- Parents are not allowed in our hallway or waiting area as we are keeping the building at ¼ capacity. We have added seating outdoors. You must drop off and pick up your dancer on time. We will not allow congestion in our hallway.
- Slow the spread does not mean virus cases will disappear. We will be encouraging dancers to follow the following safety protocol: Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth; Wash hands when entering and leaving; Cover their mouse when coughing or sneezing; Wear a mask in common areas; Respect others by keeping six feet of distance.
- In addition to normal procedures, we will be utilizing an antimicrobial product that controls pathogens in critical business environments. It is extremely affect against bacteria and viruses. It is safe, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. You can request information about this product.
Classroom Etiquette
At The Dance Company Conservatory, we expect students to behave with a level of self-control and respect that is appropriate for their age. Students are expected to arrive on time, be properly attired and ready to learn.
Students will be verbally corrected or asked to sit out by the teacher or assistant when necessary. The student will be asked to leave the room if they use vulgar language, refuse to cooperate with the teacher, or become physically or verbally abusive.
Only registered students are permitted in the studio during class time, unless they have prior permission from the teacher. Parents and guests should watch from the hallway.
Please do not interrupt class, except in the case of emergency. If you would like to arrange a time to talk with a teacher, please schedule an appointment with the front desk.
Students will be verbally corrected or asked to sit out by the teacher or assistant when necessary. The student will be asked to leave the room if they use vulgar language, refuse to cooperate with the teacher, or become physically or verbally abusive.
Only registered students are permitted in the studio during class time, unless they have prior permission from the teacher. Parents and guests should watch from the hallway.
Please do not interrupt class, except in the case of emergency. If you would like to arrange a time to talk with a teacher, please schedule an appointment with the front desk.
Studio Rules
We pride ourselves in having great studio facilities. To help keep our dance rooms clean and well maintained, please:
- No Food/Drink/Gum
- No Street Shoes
- Do not hang from ballet barres
- Do not touch the mirrors
- Do not sit on chairs, mats, props etc.
- Check your tap shoes for loose screws
- No use of electronics during class
- No Food/Drink/Gum
- No Street Shoes
- Do not hang from ballet barres
- Do not touch the mirrors
- Do not sit on chairs, mats, props etc.
- Check your tap shoes for loose screws
- No use of electronics during class
Waiver of Liability
In case of emergency, children will be treated at McLaren Port Huron Hospital unless otherwise noted on the Student's account online. The Dance Company Conservatory, Inc. does not carry health or dental insurance on students. You are responsible for the payment of all bills as a result of illness or injury. Students with allergies should carry an Epipen at all times in their dance bag.
We expect every student to attend every class. If you/your child will be absent for any reason, please e-mail or call the studio as early as possible. Students or parents should not contact the teachers directly. Students will not be refunded for missed class.
Attendance Policy for Performances: If a student misses more than 50% of classes in the two months before a performance, the teacher may require a private make-up lesson or may remove the student from said performance. Tuition and costumes are non-refundable.
Drop-Off/Pick-Up: We ask that parents drop off and pick up their students in a timely fashion, especially at the end of the night. Please contact the studio if you are running late.
Attendance Policy for Performances: If a student misses more than 50% of classes in the two months before a performance, the teacher may require a private make-up lesson or may remove the student from said performance. Tuition and costumes are non-refundable.
Drop-Off/Pick-Up: We ask that parents drop off and pick up their students in a timely fashion, especially at the end of the night. Please contact the studio if you are running late.
Studio Closings
If the studio closes due to inclement weather, we will make an announcement on Facebook, Instagram Story and through E-Mail. The studio decides independently if we will open or not—we do not follow the schools.
Make-Ups: All classes include 1 snow-day. Recital class will be made up if more than 1 snow-day occur at the teacher’s discretion. Non-recital classes will not be made up.
Make-Ups: All classes include 1 snow-day. Recital class will be made up if more than 1 snow-day occur at the teacher’s discretion. Non-recital classes will not be made up.
Photo/Video Release
By registering for classes, you give The Dance Company Conservatory, Inc. permission to take photos or videos of you or your child while participating in studio activities for promotional purposes without remuneration in connection with studio publications, advertising, television and news coverage.